Three Rivers Regional Library System

Financial Reports

2023-2024 Adopted Budget


Title Budget
Gilchrist Materials 20,000
Gilchrist Materials Carry Forward 3,988
Dixie Materials
Dixie Materials Carry Forward 20,388
Lafayette Materials
Lafayette Materials Carry Forward 31,509
Taylor Materials
Taylor Materials Carry Forward 22,509
Total Aid to Libraries 75,885
State Aid Library Grant 347,705
Interest on Investments 15,000
Library Fee & Fines
Total 3 Rivers Revenues 362,705
Estimated Uncollected Revenue
Balance Forward (Budget) 530,311
Total Other Internal Services 530,311
Total Revenue 968,901


Personal services Budget
Executive salary 61,811
Regular salaries 117,573
FICA 13,723
Retirement 24,342
Life & health insurance 32,970
Workers compensation 600
Total Personal Services 251,019
Professional Services Budget
Admin & financial services 25,000
Legal services 3,500
Online catalog 2,420
Drug screening 150
EDP maintenance & licenses 1,500
Accounting & auditing 9,600
Total Professional Services 42,170
Operating Budget
Travel & per diem 5,000
Postage 200
DILLI Interlibrary Loan 3,000
Communications & telephone 9,000
Lease office space 12,000
Rental & leases 200
Insurance 10,600
Repair & maintenance 850
Printing 2,500
Other current charges 100
Office supplies 1,200
Library Supplies 1,000
Adult & Youth Programming Supplies 4,500
Operating supplies 700
Oper supp/fuel & lub 2,000
Oper supp/equip < $1000 7,000
Membership, dues & training 3,000
Meeting/workshop regist 850
Online fees & expenses 21,500
Total operating 85,200
Capital outlay Budget
Machinery & equipment 3,000
Special Projects 454,723
Total capital outlay 457,723
Books, publications & library material Budget
Regional library material 27,000
Regional material/refernece 300
Books, publications - Dixie
Dixie Book Carryforward 20,388
Books, publications - Gilchrist 20,000
Gilchrist-Book Carryforward 3,988
Books, publications - Lafayette
Lafayette-Book Carryforward 31,509
Books, publications - Taylor 13,988
Taylor-Book Carryforward 22,509
Total books, publications & library materials 139,682
Reserve for contingency 20,000
Total Other 20,000
Total TRRLS Budget 995,794
Actual 3Rivers Exp. Less Spec.
Proj. & County Materials 428,689
State & Interest Income 362,705
Difference (65,984)
Amount Balance Forward 464,327
BF +/-Diff. = Special Projects 398,343

Approved by the Board on 9/14/23