Three Rivers Regional Library System
Budget Draft
Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020
Budget Narrative
The State Library has advised that funding to cooperative level organizations (3 Rivers) will remain the same.
Personal Services
We are showing small increases for Retirement and Insurance costs.
Staff raise options shown at the bottom of the sheet for Board consideration.
Professional Services
We are lowering the budgeted amount for computer consulting by $500.
The cost of the annual audit has decreased by $1050. Thanks Richard!
Operating Expenses
Expenditures in this area remain constant with the exception of:
$1,500 for Communication/Telephone. We have been able to dramatically increase the internet speed/bandwidth at Gilchrist and will be looking for opportunities at other locations. The majority of the cost is taken up by the Federal E-rate program, but there is a cost for us.
$1,100 less for Office Supplies and Operating Supplies.
$300 Increase in Membership, Dues and Training.
$250 decrease in Meeting Workshop Registrations.
$500 increase for subscription to Online Subscriptions/Services
Capital Outlay
The Board may consider continuing granting member libraries with funds for Special Projects.
Books, Publications and Library Materials
No changes.